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Written by Drew Adams
An SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) can seem like a boring corporate acronym to some. Your business is anything but boring, so why the heck would you use something like that? It would just take the fun and flexibility out of your business. Well, let me be the first to tell you, that’s not true—it can actually help your business be even more successful! Here I want to define what a SOP is, help you understand what it can truly do for you, and how you can take what you learn back to your business and start implementing it the right way!
Have you ever realized that you need a defined process for a certain task? Sure, you can get it done each time without one, but it would be much easier if you wrote down the exact steps and followed them each time. From editing photos, to writing blogs, to building a product, these steps will help you (or a team) do it right and make it repeatable. Enter the SOP! An SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) is just a fancy way to say “process.” Businesses use SOP to control variability and confusion in their processes. How does your business use process? Chances are, you may be using an SOP without even knowing! You may already have multiple SOPs in place, but you’ve never formally defined them. Take a look at some of the processes or repeating tasks in your business. I want to convince you that defining these processes into an SOP is the next best move for your business and YOU.
A defined set of SOPs for your business can truly make the world of a difference for everyone involved. When you start to scale your business, gaining new customers and growing revenue, you need to work on your business, not always in your business. This is where defined SOPs come in. All the processes and tasks that you do can be taught to someone new, or streamlined for you, using SOPs. That new person you hired will be effective that much sooner when handed a defined playbook. If the plan isn’t to hire someone, you can still find more time in your day by streamlining your tasks using SOPs.
Hopefully I’ve convinced you that SOP’s are right for you and your business. So how on earth do you make one? I’m glad you asked. Start with that list in your head of all the processes that your business has or tasks you have. Write it down! Go task by task and line by line. Write out the steps you take to accomplish each task. It could be anything from the details on how to make a sandwich, to how you launch a new product offering. Look critically at the steps, and make sure you’ve set up the most efficient and effective way to accomplish it. For example, in client communication, are there templates you can use to save time in the booking process? Are there certain steps that your company will take in order to differentiate yourself from the competition? Once you have these listed and processes jotted down, you have your first list of SOPs! Congrats! Save these in a prominent place. Refer back to them often, making adjustments as needed, and teaching new hires as you scale.
You’ve got this! There are so many ways you can make this work for you. Don’t feel like you have to do it a certain way. Head over to our Facebook and join the Venture Club to talk process with other entrepreneurs just like you!
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