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Drew Adams
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Written by Drew Adams
You heard that right: outsourcing is the answer to your capped capacity! What if I told you that outsourcing your work could actually benefit you? Outsourcing is scary to some. You lose direct oversight over those tasks by not being hands on. It can sometimes be expensive. It makes sense to be hesitant! However, I’m here to tell you that your business will not scale the way you want it to until you consider outsourcing. That could mean hiring an assistant. It could mean having an expert do tasks like accounting or web design. Whatever tasks you have, here are 5 reasons that you should consider outsourcing them!
When every small business hat is on your head, you end up with a lot of tasks and no time to do them all. As your business grows, or personal life changes, your plate gets filled, and quickly! The tasks you normally were able to handle are now simply too much. I can relate! It seems like every few months, as the business grows, we have another task that is just taking up so much time. This is a telltale sign that you should look to outsource. You cannot be at your best when you have more tasks than you can handle.
There’s only so much time in the day. With the time you do have, you have to focus on what will make the most impact for your business. What can you do that no one else can? Outsourcing tasks that someone else can accomplish will improve your efficiency. Only you can do that one thing (or several) that your business needs to grow and thrive—why not focus solely on that and do it as effectively as possible?
If there is one thing that can help your business drastically, it is controlling your costs! By outsourcing, you are able to make your costs for specific tasks consistent. While it is an added cost to the business, you know what that cost is month in and month out. This is extremely valuable as you plan your future forecast. You can plan to cover that cost by knowing exactly what revenue the company must bring in. Go check out our monthly money management template to learn more about this.
If there is one thing that can help your business drastically, it is controlling your costs! By outsourcing, you are able to make your costs for specific tasks consistent. While it is an added cost to the business, you know what that cost is month in and month out. This is extremely valuable as you plan your future forecast. You can plan to cover that cost by knowing exactly what revenue the company must bring in. Go check out our monthly money management template to learn more about this.
Have you bought in yet? Outsourcing can provide you with relief, give you efficiencies in your day to day, improve focus, help control costs and give your company tax breaks. Take a look at your business processes, and calculate the cost of someone else doing a certain task. Is your time worth that value? Could you be doing something else in that time that can move the needle farther forward? Come check out all the tools we have at Let’s Venture, including the FREE Outsourcing Guide!
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